21 July 2023
The Comox Valley Land Trust Bat Program is an initiative dedicated to the conservation and protection of bat populations in the Comox Valley region. Bats play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling insect populations and pollinating plants. However, they face numerous threats, including habitat loss, disturbance, and disease.
The program aims to promote bat conservation through various activities. It involves conducting surveys and monitoring bat populations to gather data on species distribution, abundance, and roosting sites. The program also focuses on public education and outreach, raising awareness about the importance of bats and the need for their conservation.
Additionally, the Comox Valley Land Trust Bat Program works closely with landowners, providing guidance on bat-friendly habitat management practices and the installation of bat boxes to create safe roosting spaces. By engaging the community and collaborating with various stakeholders, the program strives to protect and enhance bat habitats, ensuring the long-term survival of these remarkable and beneficial creatures in the Comox Valley.
Vancouver Island is home to a diverse array of bat species, with a total of nine types known to inhabit the region. Here is some additional information about these bat species:
Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus): The little brown bat is one of the most common bat species on Vancouver Island. It has a small size, brown fur, and a wingspan of around 8-11 inches. These bats typically roost in caves, trees, and buildings.
Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus): Big brown bats are larger in size compared to little brown bats, with a wingspan of about 12-13 inches. They have dark brown fur and often roost in trees, buildings, and bat boxes.
Yuma Myotis (Myotis yumanensis): Yuma myotis bats are small in size and have grayish-brown fur. They are primarily found near water sources, such as rivers and ponds, and often roost in buildings or trees close to these habitats.
Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans): As the name suggests, silver-haired bats have silver-tipped fur. They are medium-sized bats and are known for their long, silky fur. These bats typically roost in tree foliage.
Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus): Hoary bats are among the largest bat species on Vancouver Island. They have distinctive frosted or hoary-looking fur. Hoary bats are migratory and can cover long distances during their seasonal movements.
California Myotis (Myotis californicus): California myotis bats are small and have brown or reddish-brown fur. They are often found near forested areas and can roost in trees, rock crevices, and buildings.